Family Resources

Three girls smiling and posing for photo

Programs and Trainings

FACE Centers

FACE Centers, (formally named the Center for Family Opportunity), in partnership with Mile High United Way, offer free wraparound services to community members 16 or older in order to obtain critical life skills and increase their economic self-sufficiency and the academic achievements of their students. The centers offer a variety of multi-generation services at one location, making it convenient for families to benefit from multiple services offered in their school community. Participants do not have to be parents of Denver Public Schools students, all services are open to all community members. Learn more.


  • John H. Amesse Elementary School, 5440 Scranton St., Denver, CO 80239   720-424-2961

  • Johnson Elementary School, 1850 S Irving St., Denver, CO, 80219    720-424-2970

Family Resources